Conventions for Naming Submitted Documents

Please use the following guidelines when submitting documents.

I.     Electronic Submissions

Please copy Amy Alexander, Program Coordinator, on all documents submitted to your facilitator.  Her e-mail address is


A.    Inside the document

Please include the following information in the header or the top of the document. 


Your Name

Your TPC ID#

PLC x (A or B or C, etc.)

Date of the assignment

Name of the Assignment (as it appears in the agenda)


B.    Naming Convention

Please use the following naming convention when saving and sending your documents.

Example: YY_MM_DD_PLCx_ID_Assignment Name
YY_MM_DD is the date the assignment is MADE
PLCx is PLCA, B, etc
ID is the teacherŐs ID

Assignment Name is the name for this assignment as it appears in the agenda.


II.  Hard Copies

When handing in paper copies please include the following information at the top of the document. 

Your Name

Your TPC ID#

PLC x (A or B or C, etc.)

Date of the assignment

Name of the Assignment (as it appears in the agenda)