Coombs has 9th grade classes (C and D) and two 11th grade classes rooms (E and F). Together, rooms E and F have 46 students. Room C has 6 more students than room F. Room D has 2 fewer students than room E. Room F has 22 students. How many students are there altogether in rooms C and D?





Coombs has 9th grade classes (C and D) and two 11th grade classes (E and F). Together, rooms E and F have 46 students. Rooms C and D have 50 students together. Room C has 6 more students than room F. Room D has 2 fewer students than room E. There are __ students in Room E.


Give 3 numbers that can go in the blank so that everything works out. What must be true about these numbers?







Coombs has 9th grade classes (C and D) and two 11th grade classes (E and F). Together, rooms E and F have 46 students. Rooms C and D have 48 students together. Room C has 6 more students than room F. Room D has 2 fewer students than room E. There are __ students in Room E.


What number or numbers can go in the blank so that everything works out? (You might have trouble finding a number that works. If you didn't have trouble, what must be true about those numbers that make everything work out? If you did have trouble finding numbers that work, why is that so?)