Name: ___________________________________


Homework: 8-25-06


Scenario:  Ryan and Mick are skateboarding to the mall.  Ryan left first and skated at 50 meters per minute.  Mick left 5 minutes later and skated at 75 meters per minute. 


Equation #1: D1 = 50(x+5)


Equation #2: D2 = 75x


Equation #3: 50(x+5) = 75x


Equation #4 : 50(x+5) – 75x = 0


In Class questions:


According to how I designed the equations:


1.     What does x stand for?



2.     What does x + 5 stand for?



3.     What does 50( x + 5) stand for?



4.     What does 75x stand for?



5.     What does equation #3 represent?




6.     What does equation #4 represent?




Pick the ONE statement you agree with below and argue why you feel it is the correct statement:


Statement A: Equation 3 and Equation 4 represent the same thing because:



Statement B:  Equation 3 and Equation 4 represent different things because:


Equation #1 D1 = 75(x – 5)


Equation #2: D2 = 50x


Equation #3: 75(x – 5) = 50x


Equation #4: 75(x – 5) – 50x = 0


Homework Questions:


According to how I designed the equations:


1.     What does x stand for?



2.     What does x – 5 stand for?



3.     What does 75( x – 5) stand for?



4.     What does 50x stand for?



5.     What does equation #3 represent?



6.     What does equation #4 represent?





Pick the ONE statement you agree with below and argue why you feel it is the correct statement:


Statement A: Equation 3 and Equation 4 represent the same thing because:



Statement B:  Equation 3 and Equation 4 represent different things because: