Topics 1 1st hour                                 Name:_________________________________________


In Class/Homework 8-28-06


Scenario:  Two Brothers, Greg and Ethan left their home headed for New York.  Greg left at 2:00pm and traveled at a rate of 65 miles per hour.  Ethan left at 5:00pm and traveled at a rate of 80 miles per hour.


Clock time:

Number of hours since Greg hit the road

Number of hours since Ethan hit the road

Greg's distance from home

Ethan's distance from home

Distance between them


















































1)    What do you need to know in order to find out the distance between Ethan and Greg?



2)    What do you need to know in order to find out the distance Ethan has traveled?



3)    What do you need to know in order to find out the distance Greg has traveled?



4)    As the number of hours that Greg has been on the road increases, whatÕs always true about the number of hours that Ethan has been on the road?



5)    Define a variable and express the following relationships:


a)     The distance Greg has traveled after some number of hours


b)    The distance Ethan has traveled after some number of hours


c)     The distance between them after some number of hours