1st Hour Topics 1                                                                                        Name: _____________________________________


DonÕt Forget!

Commute: a + b = b + a  or a*b = b*a

Associate: (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)  or (a*b)*c = a*(b*c)

Distribute: a*(b + c) = a*b + a*c   (read backwards to collect) J



When an expression can be written different ways and still mean the same thing, the two are said to be identical to each other or Òidentities.Ó


1)  -x = -1*x

2)  x = 1*x

3)  a – b = a +–b

4)  a/b = a * (1/b)

5)  (a/b) * (c/d) = (a*c) / (b*d)



Identity 1 Practice


Rewrite the following expressions using the first identity. 

a)   -5 =                                         

b)  -(-6) =

c)  -(x + 3a) =

d)  -1*4 =

e)  -x + -1*5 =



Identity 2 Practice


Rewrite the following expressions using the second identity

a) 7 =

b) m =

c) -10 =

d) 1*(2x+1) =

d) 1* (-y) =


Identity 3 Practice


Rewrite the following expressions using the third identity

a) x – 8

b) 6 – (x + 3)

c) 5 - -6 = 5 + -(-6)

d) x + –y 




Identity 4 Practice


Rewrite the following expressions using the fourth identity


a) y / 5

b) (x + 3) / (y + 1)

c) 5 * (1 /  x)

d) (4x) * (1 / (m – 2)



Identity 5 Practice


Rewrite the following expressions using the fifth identity


a) (5 / x) * (y / 2)

b) (m / 4) * (3 / (x + 2))

c) (-2 / x ) * (y / 8)

d) (4 * x) / ((y + 2) * 7)