Systems 2

 Tuesday Feb 7th

Adapted from materials by Alan O'Bryan


1)    While solving a system by graphing, Ryan thinks the solution is at (-1, 3).  If the two linear functions were y = -2x + 1 and y = x + 3, check to see if he's right!  EXPLAIN how you know if he's right or wrong.




2)    (I'm watching the Suns game again)  At the beginning of the second period, the suns are up by 11.  The suns are scoring 5 points per minute, but the Trailblazers came out strong this period and are scoring 9 points per minute. 


a)     Write the two linear functions; one that represent the Suns's points in the second period and one that represents the Trailblazer's points in the second period.




b)    Graph the system to estimate the solution
















c)     SOLVE THE SYSTEM ALGEBRAICALLY to get the exact answer




Solve the following systems algebraically.


3)    y = 12x – 1                                                      4) y = x + 4

y = -2x + 11                                                         y = 4x + 1