mod 2

Day 2 Clip 1, January 23, 2007

Having now familiarized students with the y=mx+b form and reminding the students to think covariationaly, Ms. Coombs introduces a problem to serve as a point of ongoing discussion to develop another form for linear functions – one that allows for finding an equation when given a point and a rate of change. 


Day 2 clip 2:

Ms. Coombs continues with the discussion, but she also includes the information that she was traveling at ½ mile per minute. 


Day Two - Clip One
January 23, 2007

Having now familiarized students with the y=mx+b form and reminding the students to think covariationaly, Ms. Coombs introduces a problem to serve as a point of ongoing discussion to develop another form for linear functions – one that allows for finding an equation when given a point and a rate of change. The problem states that Ms. Coombs checked her watch 7 minutes ago when she was 3.8 miles from home. She also knows she is traveling at ½ mile per minute. In this clip Ms. Coombs asks the students to model this on a graph. One student volunteers to provide the graph.

-Day 1 -Day 2 -Day 3 -Day 4 -Day 5 -Day 6