Day 6 Clip 1, January 31, 2007
Ms. Coombs then introduces a chart in which
she records all of the little changes that
the students determined the previous day.
For example, how much did her distance from
home change in 7.1 minutes versus in seven
minutes. The conversation then changes to
determining where Ms. Coombs was when she
started her watch or at zero minutes. In
this process, she is continually re-visiting
constant rate of change.
Day 6 Clip 2, January 31, 2007
Later, Ms. Coombs continues with having
students reason about how the two variables
in a linear function change with respect to
each other. In particular, she relates a
change in x to a change in y.
Day 6 Clip 3, January 31, 2007
Later, Ms. Coombs continues with having
students reason about how the two variables
in a linear function change with respect to
each other. In particular, she relates a
change in x to a change in y.