Day 1 - Clip 4
Exploring Clown's Walk using the Finger Tool, Part
As a result of her interactions with the
students (see Clip 2 and 3), Ms. Coombs realized
that the students were engaging in the task
without using the finger tool. She is motivated
by her observation that most students played a
few seconds of the walk and then plotted a
point. The students used this repetitive
activity to generate their graphs. Ms. Coombs’
goal is to initiate a shift from thinking of
this coordination as a finite collection of
points to thinking of the function as a
co-varying, continuous relationship. In this
final clip from Day 1 she has the class use the
finger tool to coordinate Clown’s time from
start with distance from start.
She has students track the motion of Clown using
the finger tool by following the four-step
approach: (1) use horizontal finger movement to
track elapsed time alone, (2) use vertical
finger movement to track distance from start,
(3) do both simultaneously, and (4) do both
simultaneously while keeping the distance finger
directly above the time finger.