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Day 5 clip 1: Introducing the Bungee Jumper

After the lesson on day four, Ms. Coombs and Dr. Thompson discussed the importance of making sure that the ways of thinking entailed in using finger tool were a part of all conversations.  

Day 5 clip 2: Graphing Distance from Ground Relative to Time

In this segment, students work in pairs to graph the bungee jumper's distance from the ground relative to the number of seconds since she jumped.

Day 5 clip 3: Graphing Jumper's Speed Relative to Number of Seconds since She Jumped

This segment shows Ms. Coombs working with another pair of students as they continue their worksheets.

Day 5 - Clip 1
Introducing The Bungee Jumper

After the lesson on day four, Ms. Coombs and Dr. Thompson discussed the importance of making sure that the ways of thinking entailed in using finger tool were a part of all conversations. As part of this, they discussed analyzing a situation over small intervals of time. Dr. Thompson’s goal was to ensure that students reason about how the two quantities co-vary instead of what the shape of the graph tells you.

On day five of the lesson sequence, Mrs. Coombs begins by asking the students to imagine someone bungee jumping from a bridge. Ms. Coombs first asks the students to think about how far they would be from the ground after one “smidge” of time. She then asks the students to think about the differences in the distance in successive smidges of time. In other words, how do the two measures co-vary. The goal is to support students’ ability to coordinate the complexity of the situation by investigating it a “smidge” at a time.


-Day 1 -Day 2 -Day 3 -Day 4 -Day 5 -Day 6 -Day 7