Ms. Coombs begins this lesson sequence in
her regular Algebra I class with an activity
involving a computer tool that displays the
back and forth motion of a character named
This portion of the class occurs immediately
after Ms. Coombs asks the class to work in
pairs on the activity described in the
previous clip.
This segment shows Ms. Coombs working with
another pair of students as they try to
create the graph of Clown’s walk as
described on the activity sheet introduced
As a result of her interactions with the
students (see Clip 2 and 3), Ms. Coombs
realized that the students were engaging in
the task without using the finger tool.
In day two of the lesson sequence, Ms.
Coombs re-visits Clown by focusing on a
graph of Clown’s walk showing his distance
from start as a function of time.
On day two of the lesson sequence Ms. Coombs
assigned a homework activity in which
students were asked to explore Rubin’s walk
by examining the function that represented
his walk.
In this clip, at the beginning of day four,
Mrs. Coombs discusses an assignment from the
previous day in which the students were
first asked to watch a video of Clown.
After the lesson on day four, Ms. Coombs and
Dr. Thompson discussed the importance of
making sure that the ways of thinking
entailed in using finger tool were a part of
all conversations.
In this segment, students work in pairs to
graph the bungee jumper's distance from the
ground relative to the number of seconds
since she jumped..
This segment shows Ms. Coombs working with
another pair of students as they continue
their worksheets.
Prior to day six, Ms. Coombs and Dr.
Thompson discussed the need for classroom
rules to guide discussions about moving
In this segment, also from day six, the
class continues discussing the video of a
bungee jumper.
In this third video clip from day six, Ms.
Coombs asks the students to watch a replay
of the bungee jumping video while referring
to three student-generated graphs of the
relationship of changes in time and changes
in vertical distance from the ground.
In this fourth segment from day six, Ms.
Coombs asks students to refer to the
frame-by-frame version of the bungee jumping
video in order to discuss how the
student-generated graphs show speed.
After discussing Day Six with Dr. Thompson,
Ms. Coombs agrees that the students appear
to be graphing the path of the jump instead
of thinking about co-varying quantities.
Dr. Thompson then agrees to teach the lesson
on Day 7 in which he revisits the bungee
jumping task, but changes the quantity on
the vertical axis from distance from the
ground to distance from the bridge.
In the clip shown here, Ms. Coombs works
one-on-one with a student who is trying to use
the finger tool to show the relationship of the
bungee jumper's distance from the bridge as a
function of time.