mod 1

Day 5 clip 1: Introducing the Bungee Jumper

After the lesson on day four, Ms. Coombs and Dr. Thompson discussed the importance of making sure that the ways of thinking entailed in using finger tool were a part of all conversations.  

Day 5 clip 2: Graphing Distance from Ground Relative to Time

In this segment, students work in pairs to graph the bungee jumper's distance from the ground relative to the number of seconds since she jumped.

Day 5 clip 3: Graphing Jumper's Speed Relative to Number of Seconds since She Jumped

This segment shows Ms. Coombs working with another pair of students as they continue their worksheets.

Day 5 - Clip 2
Graphing Distance from Ground Relative to Time

In this segment, students work in pairs to graph the bungee jumper's distance from the ground relative to the number of seconds since she jumped. The activity sheet presents a variety of scenarios that involve coordinating different quantities such as distance from the bridge and elapsed time since the jump. Here we see Ms. Coombs working with a student to help the student clarify what quantities should be represented on each of the two axes of the graph. In this particular activity, the graph is the speed of the bungee jumper relative to time since he leapt.

Inclass and HW2 link

-Day 1 -Day 2 -Day 3 -Day 4 -Day 5 -Day 6 -Day 7