Day 5 - Clip 3
Graphing Jumper's Speed Relative to Number of
Seconds since She Jumped
This clip is also taken from day five. Ms.
Coombs continues to monitor students’ activity
as they work in pairs. In this particular clip,
Ms. Coombs works with Zach and Katie as they
struggle on two tasks about the bungee jumper.
The first task requires the students to graph
distance above the ground as a function of time
since the jumper leapt while the second task
requires a graph showing speed of the jumper as
a function of time since he leapt. Zach’s two
graphs appear to be identical. Ms. Coombs
directs Zach to focus on the starting vertical
magnitude to help him better understand how
speed behaves.
While Ms. Coombs is working with pairs of
students, Dr. Thompson is attending to other
students in the class.
Inclass and HW2 link
-Day 1
-Day 2
-Day 3
-Day 4
-Day 5 -Day 6
-Day 7